Shanghai , Sep. 25-28 , 2006
Participants | Schedule |

On Sep 25-28, 2006 the Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Shanghai, China, will host the 7th Sino-German Workshop on "Galaxies, Super-massive Black Holes and the Cosmic Web". The workshop will cover the following topics

* Physical cosmology
* Large scale structure
* Galaxy clusters
* Galaxy formation and evolution
* Super-massive black holes and AGN
* High energy astrophysics

-- There is no registration fee for the workshop.
-- The accommodation of the scientists coming abroad during the workshop will be covered by the CAS & the NSFC.
-- Travel funding for MPG scientists may be available through the Max Planck Society under their exchange agreements with SHAO.

We would like to invite you to attend this workshop in Shanghai just before the golden week of the national holidays. If you want to attend the workshop, please fill the registration form.

* Due to the size of the workshop, scientists from countries other than China and Germany are restricted to those invited speakers.

The Organising Committee

Xiaohu Yang
Volker Springel
Yipeng Jing
Guinevere Kauffmann
Gerhard Boerner
Simon D.M. White


Maintained by Zhu Chen @2006
80 Nandan Rd. Shanghai P.R.China