School of Physics and Astronomy @ SJTU ||
Department of Astronomy @ SJTU ||
The TDLI ||
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
Research interests of the galaxy formation research group
Halo occupation models:
Connection between the galaxies
and the dark matter halos.
Mock catalogues based on
Conditional Luminosity Function (CLF) model.
Constrain cosmological parameters
using halo occupation model.
Properties of the satellite galaxies.
Groups and Clusters:
Searching galaxy groups with a
halo-based group finder.
Searching galaxy clusters from
photometric redshift surveys.
Probe the halo-halo (group-group)
bias from the observations.
Measuring the halo occupations
directly from the observations.
Cosmological weak lensing:
Estimate the shear field, the
lensing power spectrum.
Probe the mass-light relation
using numerical simulations/halo occupation model.
To infer the mass-light relation
from the galaxy-galaxy lensing signal.
To infer the mass-light relation
from the group-galaxy lensing signal.
Formation and Evolution:
Structure of the Universe:
N-body and Gas
Department of Astronomy, SJTU
Address: Dongchuan Rd.800, Shanghai, P.R.China 200240
Email: xyang@sjtu.edu.cn