Join me!

I'm actively looking for new postdocs and PhD students to join my group, to work on various aspects of dark matter (from large to small scale, from theory to observation) and cosmological galaxy formation. Please send me an email with your CV if you are interested. People interested in the following topics are particularly encouraged to get in touch:

  • Simulation code development
  • N-body dynamics/observational mass modelling
  • Semianalytical galaxy formation modelling/galaxy-halo connection
  • Lensing study of dark matter halo
  • statistical data-mining

For postdoc positions, please also include a research statement and arrange three reference letters. The position comes with a competitive salary and a possibility to progress to a tenure-track faculty position at the department. The salary can be further boosted depending on experience and qualification, and there are also opportunities for named fellowship positions.


The Department of Astronomy at Shanghai Jiao Tong University is one of the most dynamic astronomy research centers in China, especially in the field of cosmology and galaxy formation. DoA is a full participating institute of the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Survey (DESI) and heavily involved in the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS), Chinese Space Station Telescope (CSST), and Square Kilometer Array (SKA). The department is also tightly connected to the neighbouring Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, a modern national lab presently haboured by Shanghai Jiao Tong University. For more information on the department and the TDLI, please visit the links below:

Department of Astronomy

Tsung-Dao Lee Institute

Please drop me a message if you are interested in visiting us and giving a talk.

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