The role of galactic feedback in regulating angular momentum and intrinsic alignments of galaxies


Recent cosmological simulations have shown that feedback from supernovae and AGN is the crucial ingredient to produce a galaxy population with realistic sizes and morphologies. Based on findings from the cosmological galaxy formation simulations Illustris and IllustrisTNG, I will discuss the role of galactic feedback in regulating the baryonic angular momentum content of haloes, whose gas content serves as gas reservoir for the central galaxy. I will touch on the role of feedback driven galactic fountain flows in extracting high angular momentum gas from the halo CGM, leading to the growth of a galactic disc. The resulting angular momentum vectors of spiral galaxies furthermore are believed to align the orientations of neighbouring spiral galaxies resulting in a contamination of the weak lensing signal used by e.g. the Euclid satellite to measure the dark energy equation of state. I will discuss the theory of these so called ‘intrinsic alignments’ for both spiral and elliptical galaxies and confront them with the signal measured directly from IllustrisTNG.

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Tuesday, November 5, 2019 - 10:00