Structure Formation in the Early Universe Viewed with the Horizon Run 5 Simulation


We are now running the most massive cosmological hydrodynamic simulation called Horizon Run 5 (HR5). The simulation resolution reaches 1 kpc in a rod-type zoom-in region placed in a cubic box of a side length 717.2 cMpc/h in order to study the galaxy formation in the cosmological context. We have modified the public version of the RAMSES code to utilize the power of OpenMP which is laid on top of the MPI parallelism.  In case of 64 parallel threads, we get 9.2x parallel performance. For the HR5, we are using 2500 computing nodes and 160k cpu cores over 90 days. In this talk, we briefly describe the current status of the HR5 simulation and show some physical results from z=200 down to the cosmic noon (z~2-3) such as the global star formation history, chemical enrichments, growth of the super massive black holes, and the formation of the proto clusters.

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