Exploring the identity of dark matter with strong gravitational lensing


The cold dark matter (CDM) cosmological model unambiguously predicts that a large number of low mass haloes/subhaloes in the universe. The CDM model would be ruled out if such haloes/subhaloes were shown not to exist. By contrast, if the dark matter consists of Warm Dark Matter (WDM) particles, then below a threshold mass that depends on the particle mass far fewer haloes/subhaloes would be present. Finding haloes/subhaloes below a certain mass would then rule out warm particle masses below some value. Strong gravitational lensing provides a clean method to measure the halo/subhalo mass function through distortions in the structure of Einstein rings and giant arcs. In this talk, I will talk about the theory prediction of the perturbing events and give a review about the current observation status as well as a forecast for the future space galaxy surveys.

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