DESI group/cluster catalogs, shear catalogs 1% spectroscopic data incorporated.
DESI group/cluster catalogs We (Yang2021) extend the halo-based group finder developed by Yang et al. (2005b) to use data simultaneously with either photometric or spectroscopic redshifts. A mock galaxy redshift surveys constructed from a high-resolution N-bodey simulation is used to evaluate the performance of this extended group finder. For galaxies with magnitude z<21 and redshift 0 < z < 1.0 in the DESI legacy imaging surveys (The Legacy Surveys), our group finder successfully identifies more than 60% of the members in about 90% of halos with mass >10^12.5Msun/h. Detected groups with mass > 10^12.0Msun/h have a purity (the fraction of true groups) greater than 90%. The halo mass assigned to each group has an uncertainty of about 0.2 dex at the high mass end > 10^13.5Msun/h and 0.45 dex at the low mass end. Groups with more than 10 members have a redshift accuracy of ~ 0.008. We apply this group finder to the Legacy Surveys DR8 and find 5.1 Million groups with at least 3 members. Below we provide the resulting catalog containing 3D coordinates, richness, halo masses, and total group luminosities.
DESI Image Legacy Surveys DR8 Shown in the following plot is the projected galaxy distribution in terms of sky coverage in the the Legacy Surveys DR8. The sky coverage are drawn from two contiguous areas: the south galactic cap (~8580 square degrees with 59.6 million galaxies) and the north galactic cap (~9673 square degrees with 69.75 million galaxies). The color code is the galaxy number counts per 0.25 square degrees.
DESI Image Legacy Surveys DR9 Shown in the following plot is the projected galaxy distribution in terms of sky coverage in the the Legacy Surveys DR9. The sky coverage are drawn from two contiguous areas: the south galactic cap (~8601 square degrees with 59.07 million galaxies) and the north galactic cap (~9622 square degrees with 66.23 million galaxies). The color code is the galaxy number counts per 0.25 square degrees.
With DESI 1% spectroscopic redshifts -- available for those DESI collaborators upon request. ... Will be public once the DESI redshifts are made public. In this version, we have incorporated the 1% DESI spectroscopic redshifts into our galaxy sample and updated the related group catalogs. Shown in the following plot is the projected galaxy distribution in terms of sky coverage in the the Legacy Surveys DR9. The updated redshifts on the sky are marked with green color.
References A Halo-Based Galaxy Group Finder: Calibration and Application
to the 2dFGRS Galaxy Groups in the SDSS DR4. I. The Catalogue and Basic
Properties Evolution of the Galaxy-Dark Matter Connection and the Assembly
of Galaxies in Dark Matter Halos An Extended Halo-based Group/Cluster Finder: Application to the
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR8
DESI Shear catalogs We use the Fourier Quad pipeline to generate the shear catalog for each individual exposure of the DECaLS data. The latest version of our shear catalog contains 15420/15162/16501 exposures for the g/r/z band respectively. The shear catalogs in g/r/z band cover about 10000 square degrees, as shown in the figure. It includes shear estimators for 99/111/116 million distinct galaxies in the band of g/r/z respectively.
References Approaching the Cram└r-Rao Bound in Weak Lensing with PDF
Symmetrization Testing Shear Recovery with Field Distortion The clustering of galaxies in the DESI Legacy Imagining Surveys
DR8: II. sigma8 increases as a function of redshift
Mock DESI Galaxy and Group Catalogues This is a mini version of mock DESI catalogs with only about 200 square degrees.
References Populating dark matter haloes with galaxies: comparing the
2dFGRS with mock galaxy redshift surveys ELUCID. VI.
Cosmic Variance of the Galaxy Distribution in the Local Universe
Meng, Jiacheng; Li, Cheng; Mo, Houjun; Chen, Yangyao; Wang, Kai, arXiv200813733 An Extended Halo-based Group/Cluster Finder: Application to the
DESI Legacy Imaging Surveys DR8
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