Mass, Tidal and Velocity field in Sloan Digital Sky Survey volume (SDSS_MTV for short) File name quantity unit Fillingfactor_sdssMth12_80Mpc F, filling factor non, |F|<=1 MDen_sdssMth12_Ms13 delta, overdensity=(rho_i-rho_ave)/rho_ave non Velx_sdssMth12_Ms13 Vx, X component of Velocity km/s Vely_sdssMth12_Ms13 Vy, Y component of Velocity km/s Velz_sdssMth12_Ms13 Vz, Z component of Velocity km/s Tid1_sdssMth12_Ms13 T1, the eigenvalue of tidal tensor along major axis [km/s/(Mpc/h)]^2 Tid2_sdssMth12_Ms13 T2, the eigenvalue of tidal tensor along inter axis [km/s/(Mpc/h)]^2 Tid3_sdssMth12_Ms13 T3, the eigenvalue of tidal tensor along minor axis [km/s/(Mpc/h)]^2 Notes: 1 see Wang et al. 2011 (arXiv:1108.1008) for the details on how these values are derived. 2 the smoothing kernel is Gaussian kernel and the smoothing mass scale is 10^13 Msun/h. 3 the ABSOLUTE value of F on a grid is the filling factor of the grid. If F>0, the grid is within the survey volume, otherwise, this grid is outside the survey volume. 4 all eight files are in the same format, which can be read using the following C and Fortran routines. Please acknowledge us and reference our papers if you use any SDSS_MTV data. ========================================================================================================= reading routines: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C program: #include #include #include #include int main() ( int i,xid,yid,zid; int Nx,Ny,Nz,itemp; float *quan,pos[3],rp; FILE *fp; char filename[256]; sprintf(filename,"Fillingfactor_sdssMth12_80Mpc"); Nx=494; Ny=892; Nz=499; rp=726.0/1024; quan=(float *)malloc(Nx*Ny*Nz*sizeof(float)); fp=fopen(filename,"r"); fread(&itemp,1,sizeof(float),fp); if(itemp/sizeof(float) != Nx*Ny*Nz) { printf("error! itemp=%d\n",itemp); exit(1); } fread(quan,sizeof(float),Nx*Ny*Nz,fp); fclose(fp); for(i=0;i